Title: “Eliminate the Ice Demon! Chopper's fire trick !”
The One Piece anime episode 1010 opens with Law going to the ancient inscribed stone, there is a conversation scene between Law and Robin discussing all about "D", said to be the natural enemy of the gods.
Law looks like he wants to use his ability to take the stone, but what he wants is red. There he still looks confused and even more curious about "D". Queen's main stage with her psychopathic style shoots bullets blindly, so the situation is getting very chaotic.Appo is being chased by Zoro and X-Drake, because Queen is fighting over the antidote to the virus .
Chopper is constantly busy analyzing, not knowing he has the virus, Robin tells him and Brook is very worried to see Chopper . Chopper found a little way to deal with it, by fighting cold body temperature with heat, eating with it will slow down the cooling process that will occur. Suddenly Big Mom arrived on the main stage, everyone there was even very surprised to see one of the scary Yonkou.
The scene is cut off, towards Kid preparing his special ability to hit some kronco beast pirates, Kaido . However, the figurehead of the beast pirate, Poker. Get ready for a 1 vs 1 clash with Kid captain Eutass and the winner of course Kid . The scene cuts back to Kaido 's fight and the red scabbard on the rooftop of Onigashima castle. Inuarashi and Nekomamushi with sulong mode launched an attack on Kaido , as usual Kaido was able to stop him easily.
The red scabbard finally launched a joint attack, stabbing several parts of Kaido's body , Kaido managed to get rid of them easily.However, Kinemon still stood up and prepared to launch another attack on Kaido , and ended up losing to Kaido 's Kanebou . When Kaido was about to approach Kinemon, the red sword scabbard got up again to prepare to protect Kin and attack Kaido again.
Kaido was annoyed that Oden's kronco continued without giving up even though they were weak, he also hit them with Kanebou so that they were all unconscious.Kinemon seeing that screamed to stop him and ran towards Kaido to try to beat him. When Big Mom was about to approach them on the main stage, everyone got ready but Big Mom said not to worry, because she just wanted to go to where Kaido was.
Suddenly everyone on the main stage looked up, and someone's hand fell from the rubble of the roof of Onigashima castle. Zoro and Robin , who were quick to see that, of course were very aware of someone's one-sided broken hand that they knew very well.
The scene switches to Chopper asking Brook to make a fire to warm him who is affected by the ice virus, after seeing the reaction effectively ward off Queen 's virus , Chopper rushes to inform and help others.Zoro approaches the fallen hand in the rubble and realizes something is being dangerous for the red sheath army, especially through Kiku.
Zoro really looks serious and wants to quickly head to Kaido to see the situation is out of control and spend time chasing vaccines. Seeing Zoro 's "Haki" flash towards Appp, Drake suddenly stopped and grabbed the vaccine from Apoo shouting Zoro who was near them to help immediately, but Zoro just kept quiet and continued to kill the monsters that approached him.
Drake was silent for a moment seeing Zoro 's different eyes and expressions trying to get away from the battle with Apoo . The red and green "Haki" coated technique that happened to Zoro was also shown, Appo when he found out and realized it looked very scared and panicked with Zoro 's abilities .
Drake and others were silent to see Apoo who was easily defeated by Zoro , and they managed to take the virus, Zoro also handed over to Chopper to solve the problem here and he would go to Onigahsima's roof.
While Luffy , Jinbei and Sanji tried to run fast to Kaido 's place , suddenly Sanji 's feelings were disturbed by a beautiful woman figure. When he heard a woman asking for help, Sanji was silent and looked very angry to hear that someone had hurt a woman.