netflix's sex education season 3 announces the release date

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Sex Education is nearly back in session, after what will ultimately be a 20-month hiatus: The coming-of-age comedy returns for Season 3 on Friday, Sept. 17, Netflix announced Thursday

sex education

Taking to their social media accounts, Netflix also shared four new pictures from the third season. The photos show the entire gang in school uniforms. Until last season, they had all been going to school in casual outfits.

Aimee Lou Wood's Aimee and Emma Mackey's Maeve are seen in plaid skirts and blue shirts. While Aimee is wearing the school blazer, Maeve is seen wearing her usual, grunge, black leather jacket. Asa Butterfield's Otis and Ncuti Gatwa's Eric are also seen at school, sharing a funny moment.

sex education


The third season consists of eight episodes, matching the counts of Seasons 1 and 2. In the upcoming installments, Otis (Asa Butterfield) is having casual sex, Eric (Ncuti Gatwa) and Adam (Connor Swindells) have made their relationship official (!) and Jean (Gillian Anderson) has a baby on the way. Meanwhile, new headteacher Hope (played by Girls‘ Jemima Kirke) tries to return Moordale to the pillar of excellence it’s always been — which, judging from the new episodic photos below, means spiffy new uniforms, at the very least.

sex education

Elsewhere in Season 3, “Aimee discovers feminismJackson gets a crush and a lost voicemail still looms,” the logline reads. “Prepare for commitment animals, alien phenomena, vulva cupcakes and much more of Madam Groff.” (That “lost voicemail” refers to the message Otis left Maeve at the end of Season 2, finally telling her he loved her, which was ultimately deleted by Maeve’s neighbor Isaac without her knowledge. Gah!)

sex education

In addition to Kirke, Sex Education‘s new cast additions include Jason Isaacs (Star Trek: Discovery) as Peter Groff, Mr. Groff’s more successful and not-very-modest older brother; recording artist Dua Saleh, making their acting debut as Cal, a nonbinary Moordale student who instantly clashes with Hope’s new vision for the school; and Indra Ové (Breeders) as Anna, foster mother to Maeve’s half-sister, Elsie.

sex education

sex education

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