the flash season 7 episode 7 recap: GROWING PAINS

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 The Flash Season 7 Episode 7 Review: Growing Pains

Frost's past is finally coming back to haunt her, despite her recent turn to the good side.

The Flash left the matter of the different Forces behind on The Flash Season 7 Episode 7, which we shockingly didn't mind. Instead, the show focused on the prosecution of one of Team Flash's own.Overall, the episode shed light on a story that has been building for a while now without taking away from the overarching story of The Flash Season 7.The Frost-focused hour addressed long overdue issues. There is no doubt that Frost has come a long way from her killer tendencies, but she never really faced repercussions for the crimes she committed.

                             PREVIOUS EPISODE           

Of course, Team Flash has forgiven Frost for her past, as have most of us. But it will be interesting to see the case that Kristen Kramer and the State build against her.


Look, I'm not some thug anymore, okay? I've grown.Cecile: I know that, honey. I do. Look, I'm one of the people that you kidnapped.This realistically should have taken place a couple of seasons ago, but we needed time to see Frost in a more positive light.If we weren't shown her character growth before she was put on trial, we wouldn't care about the end result as much as we do now.As of right now, the outcome isn't looking too bright for Frost since she plans on pleading guilty to all of the charges against her. But things can only go up from here, right?

It sounds as if the judge will have the final say in Frost's future.It will take some of the strain of playing two characters off of Danielle Panabaker if Frost is sent to Iron Heights. But it just seems wrong to send her to prison when she's already a reformed person.


 Frost's ice crystals are usually hexagonal.Kramer: It's Killer Frost, Officer Allen. And you seem to know a lot about her powers.Barry: Yeah, I've worked her crime scenes. And she's never killed anyone.We're not even going to get into the mess that is the legal system, but we can only hope that the judge will see the good that Frost has done for Central City.But the more likely option is her getting sentenced to prison. It might not be all bad, though, because we know someone who will be serving time there as well.

Chillblaine was an interesting adversary to Frost since he is just a human with an affinity for ice. An evil superfan is probably the best way to describe him.But he didn't admire Frost as a person, he was only impressed by her powers. According to him, she wasn't taking full advantage of her abilities. So, he decided to take it upon himself to create them.His accomplishments were impressive, minus the killing, of course. Plus, I hate to admit it because he is a killer, but Chillblaine and Frost shared chemistry that cannot be ignored.

He is too interesting of a character to just have a one-and-done appearance. Chillblaine plays off of Frost so well, we need to see more fight scenes with underlying sexual tension in the future.The culprit behind Frost's arrest is someone who is probably the most suspicious person currently on The Flash.Kristen Kramer does not appear to be a terrible person, just someone who believes in following the law and doing her job. But that is about all we know about her intentions.

You fight like a boy.


Kramer's entire story is peculiar. It may be just that we're taught as fans of television to suspect every new character who enters the show taking swings at an established character.But there has to be more than meets the eye with Kramer.Could there be another reason as to why she wants Frost behind bars so bad? Does it tie into the Forces storyline at all? Only time will tell.While the Frost drama took up most of the hour, the episode also focused a bit on the strained relationship between Barry and the Speed Force.

To be honest, it's hard calling her Nora since she isn't Nora Allen. She just took that form because it was familiar to Barry. So while every character on the show is now addressing her as Nora, we'll continue to use the Speed Force.Barry, too, refused to call her Nora at first. He felt uncomfortable by her presence since not only is she taking the form of his dead mother, but he does not have the best relationship with the Speed Force.

No one could blame Barry for being put off by her constantly trying to help him, especially when it was clear that he didn't want her there. But, since she's still learning the ways of humans, she couldn't take the hint.

Barry's complicated feelings were something that he needed to work through, though. Thankfully, he had Iris to help him sort through them. It's admirable that Barry and Iris were able to resolve what could have been a huge argument so effortlessly. Yes, it was a problem that Iris invited the Speed Force to stay with them without consulting Barry. But he also could have been more open with her.

They have a mature relationship, however, and Iris gave Barry some sage advice on how to proceed in his relationship with the Speed Force.

Speed Force:

 Barry, you helped me be reborn. And now you're keeping me safe. Of course, I want to help you.Barry: I keep telling you, I didn't ask for help! Look, you chose me to be the hero. So, let me be the hero.Barry and the Speed Force need to come together and create a new normal for their dynamic. Otherwise, Barry's powers will continue to glitch, which will not be good for Central City's hero.

Everything has changed between the two of them. They could see that as a bad thing, but it looks like they're going to be stronger than ever going forward.

What did you think, The Flash Fanatics?

What will be the outcome of Frost's trial? What is your stance on the Nora versus Speed Force debate? Where exactly were Cisco and Kamilla?And are you as happy with this first set of episodes of The Flash Season 7 as I am?

Let me know in the comments, and do not forget that you can watch The Flash online right here via TV Fanatic!

The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8/7c on The CW.



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